Tag Archives: Role model

Grounding the Grounders

Saturday, 20 June 2015

OK, I’m sick of you people who think it’s OK to “ground” your kid and take away their – THEIR – wind-down methods (TV, games, electronics, phone, etc.). You think you’re being a good role model and a positive parent? Think again. You’re teaching your kids that if you don’t get your way immediately, then it is acceptable to take away THEIR property/rights to relax/be entertained until they comply with your rules. It’s not “your house, your rules” – it’s “your house legally, but the rules go both ways – for both you AND your kid(s)”. You are not only making the situation worse by refusing to swallow your pride and refusing to talk to them/ask them WHY or HOW they feel that way in particular, you are also committing theft and acting out of spite/cowardice. You say “actions have consequences” – you can justify it any way you like, but in the end, you’re the one who is setting a bad example, you’re the one being immature, YOU are the one being a coward, not your child. When the Pax Raptorica is finalised, your precious rod will be destroyed and your authoritarian rule will end for good.

You people are ALL grounded… forever.


More Flyers – Spread the Word!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

I have two additional flyers ready, both of which can be downloaded along with the initial flyer from the Promote the Cause page on this website. Download them, print them, post them wherever you can. Help me get the word out. The two new flyers are quite simple: One is anti-corporal punishment, the other is anti-school uniform. The former… well… do I really need to explain why this enraging and cowardly practice needs to end? The latter needs to go because it’s not doing anything. It’s counterproductive and it inhibits the creative and expressive side of the personality. The system may as well slap numbers on us and refer to us by numbers instead of names. We are not numbers. We are free humans – we are individuals.


Fight for Individuality Begins

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Since I am in an optimistic mood today, I think it’s time I should speak my piece: Let’s start the fight for individuality together and cast off the chains of sartorial oppression – this is only the first step. Don’t like being forced to wear something you don’t like just because you’ve been told to wear it with no given reason or explanation? Don’t. Wear what YOU want, express your creative side. We are not numbers, we are human beings, individuals with ideas, feelings and thoughts. If somebody questions you, then tell them it’s because it’s how YOU feel comfortable looking and it shows your overall personality, and, unlike those who demand blind obedience, you have a reason for doing so. Remember: Be authoritative, not authoritarian. Don’t succumb to someone’s wishes just because “they say so”. Without a reason, there is no logic, no respect – only tyranny and cowardice.


Destroy the Rod

Sunday, 14 September 2014

OK, I’ve had enough. I am sorry, but I am afraid my own patience has reached its peak limit. It seems that if my cause is to take off on a serious level, then I am going to have to speak my piece here and now. You’ve all heard of the infamous “spare the rod” proverb, right? A supposedly Biblical quote? Here is the kicker: It is not a Biblical quote. It is, in actuality, an extract from an 18th-century poem retroactively corrupted into a proverb. That’s right: It’s a huge misunderstanding and a big fallacy to boot. For two whole centuries, this kind of behaviour has been going on here in the name of “saving” our disciples… from what? From their individuality? From their personal freedoms? Here’s a new proverb coming straight from the mouth of the Golden Predator:

“He who destroys the rod, makes his own future.”

Don’t spare “the rod”, destroy it. Destroy it entirely and make your own logical choices. OK, we are all human and our patience does wear thin at times – as long as you ADMIT that you fucked up. The Pax Raptorica is only the beginning of a new era. Very rarely in life are you given a second chance to amend past errors. Fear not. Take the chance, and make the right choice.