Happy Women’s Day!

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Happy Women’s Day to all the women in the world! May your fight for equality achieve its goal of true balance and create a world where man, woman and child are ALL the same, regardless of race, colour, religion or philosophical or political point of view.



Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Sorry I’ve been off the radar for the past six months. I’ve had issues in my personal life and have spent much time updating and rectifying theĀ Pax Raptorica, the latest edition of which can be found HERE.

I am determined more than ever to raise awareness of the cause, especially now in such a politically tense climate. The recent situation in the UK regarding the EU Referendum has instigated a whole new level of protest and activism which threatens to engulf the land in chaos.

I will do whatever I can to fight back.


Britain’s Humanity Is At Stake!

Friday, 6 November 2015

Look at this article HERE.

These “People” threaten to undermine the very essence of what, until recently, was lacking in British society: Humanity. If they get their way, then it would mark the genesis of an irreversible decadence. Please take whatever precautions are necessary to prevent that from happening – you can start by signing a petition HERE.

If the Act goes, then everything that has been built for Britain since the conclusion of World War 2 will have been for nothing – free healthcare, equality, a decent education, a right to work, a right to a life, a right NOT to be punished if found innocent of a crime, a right NOT to be executed – will be gone!


Conservatives Going Too Far

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Have a look at this article HERE.

Utterly despicable what the Conservative Government want to do to the UK. Not content with destroying those less fortunate, they also seek to emulate an Oriental-style educational system, where the work-rest balance is GREATLY distorted in favour of constant studying with little to no time for respite. In a strange way, it is appropriate that I post today due to its historical significance, and what better way to pay tribute than to raise awareness of the neo-totalitarian plans the United Kingdom has in store for its citizens, a nation which has traditionally built its power on fear and conquest, authoritarian and completely averse to change.

Stop it, “Tories”. You’re destroying the nation and you don’t even realise it because your wealth and power blinds you to reason and logic.

To protest and for a more fair, more egalitarian plan of action, download a copy of the Pax Raptorica and its companion document HERE and HERE – and distribute them amongst your friends, family and acquaintances.

It’s time for a revolution – a Human Revolution.


Home of a visionary autarchist.