Tag Archives: Freedom

THIS is why uniforms must be abolished!

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Have a look at this article. Seriously. Just read it HERE.

WHEN are the British school bodies going to realise that uniforms cause more trouble than they solve? Don’t believe me? Let me run it down:


  • Cheap to maintain/acquire
  • Consistent dress


  • Subversion of free expression, a basic human right
  • Authoritarian in nature – leaves little to no room for flexibility, and missteps are met with harsh punishments
  • Inhibits personal creativity and undermines one’s individuality
  • Highly counterproductive to school/academy unity and wellbeing
  • ENFORCES rather than encourages loyalty
  • Waste of money that can be spent on more productive and practical things (engineering, medicine, etc.)
  • A relic from an archaic and atavistic past
  • People are treated like SUBJECTS, not students
  • Encourages fetishistic fantasies (but then, so does nearly everything, but school uniforms are the worst offenders)

You want to run a school efficiently and effectively, headmasters? Read and understand this:


Face facts: Uniforms are repressive and a waste of effort – get rid of them at once. You might as well give each pupil a serial number. Britain is obsessed with this “spare the rod” mentality and it MUST. END.



Grounding the Grounders

Saturday, 20 June 2015

OK, I’m sick of you people who think it’s OK to “ground” your kid and take away their – THEIR – wind-down methods (TV, games, electronics, phone, etc.). You think you’re being a good role model and a positive parent? Think again. You’re teaching your kids that if you don’t get your way immediately, then it is acceptable to take away THEIR property/rights to relax/be entertained until they comply with your rules. It’s not “your house, your rules” – it’s “your house legally, but the rules go both ways – for both you AND your kid(s)”. You are not only making the situation worse by refusing to swallow your pride and refusing to talk to them/ask them WHY or HOW they feel that way in particular, you are also committing theft and acting out of spite/cowardice. You say “actions have consequences” – you can justify it any way you like, but in the end, you’re the one who is setting a bad example, you’re the one being immature, YOU are the one being a coward, not your child. When the Pax Raptorica is finalised, your precious rod will be destroyed and your authoritarian rule will end for good.

You people are ALL grounded… forever.


No to Start 4

Thursday, 19 March 2015

It saddens and infuriates me that children are sent to school in the UK as young as 4 (the Netherlands are only slightly better, with their starting age being 5). 4 is far too young an age to start formal education – preschool or kindergarten, maybe, but not official schooling. 6 (the US, Canada) is a step up, but the ideal age to start official schooling and formal education is 7 (the remainder of Europe, Asia and Oceania). If you care about the future and that of your offspring and those in your care, then support the Pax Raptorica (downloadable from the eponymous page on this site) and remember:

No to Start 4!


Words Fail Me

Friday, 21 November 2014

This is something that you will not believe.

Have a read for yourself HERE

Seriously, Britain? This is the price that a citizen must pay? If it were illegal goods, then the action may be understandable… but it is not. This shows one of the many faults with British society, along with the legalisation and encouragement of corporal punishment (yes, a light slap technically IS corporal punishment), an obsession with micromanaging young people’s lives (uniforms in school) and sheer hypocrisy and narcissistic cowardice (respecting somebody just because they are older but the same person does not respect in return). It fails to surprise me that the intelligent people are the most recalcitrant and also the most frowned-upon, because they are the real threats to the caliginous and sycophantic society, for they see things as they really are.

THIS is the reason why the Pax Raptorica must be taken into consideration – it is based on sense, reason and rational logic as opposed to any kind of bias or agenda, which leaves me with some last words for those who support or defend the behaviours which I (and many people) abhor:

You are fools.


Class System and Uniform Abolition

Friday, 10 October 2014

I’m back from quite a long hiatus, as you can see. I have made some progress in regards to the abolition of school uniforms in Britain. So far, progress is minimal, as I only started recently. I suspect, however, that this British obsession with uniformity is down to the class system. Proponents of this archaic and divisive entity purport that it encourages equality and it is based on tradition. I, however, digress: The class system divides rather than unites. Rich, poor, famous or unknown, we are all humans, and I am fighting for the abolition of school uniforms in the United Kingdom as the first step of the Pax Raptorica. Freedom of expression is a VERY fundamental and basic human right, which is taken from the subjects of this nation far too young in life and imposed in a regimented and pro-authoritarian academic regime, where their input is limited and the demand on their output is almost extortionate in some cases – there is no individuality, no personal freedom – they are assigned identical clothing, identical appearances… conditioned into sheep, if you will. If we can act like the class system does not exist and treat ALL humans as equals, then maybe there could be a chance of change. If you value your individuality, then please take notice of these posts. Being older does not equal immediate respect, nor does it grant one the right to flaunt their power.


More Flyers – Spread the Word!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

I have two additional flyers ready, both of which can be downloaded along with the initial flyer from the Promote the Cause page on this website. Download them, print them, post them wherever you can. Help me get the word out. The two new flyers are quite simple: One is anti-corporal punishment, the other is anti-school uniform. The former… well… do I really need to explain why this enraging and cowardly practice needs to end? The latter needs to go because it’s not doing anything. It’s counterproductive and it inhibits the creative and expressive side of the personality. The system may as well slap numbers on us and refer to us by numbers instead of names. We are not numbers. We are free humans – we are individuals.



Thursday, 18 September 2014

Today’s been quite a day – a day of discovery, and a day of self-reflection. Despite the growing numbers for my website and blog entries, I am starting to contemplate and reflect on what I am doing. Self-reflection, if you like. How do I know that what I’m fighting for will not be blown out of context by all the other revolutionaries that came before me? You might say: “You have logic and reason – and common sense, too.” Yes, that is true – but nobody is infallible. Those three qualities can only operate up to a peak point before your emotions start to cloud your judgement. Unlike many I fight against, however, I do not use my power and the fact that I am human to justify my negative traits. I only use it to explain why I do what I do – because nobody I know seemingly can… or will. I’m willing to continue with the cause, but I can’t do this alone. I will explain in a post tomorrow. In the meantime, all I can say is: Keep fighting for your freedom and rights, your individuality and independence matters. The “rod” must be destroyed – not spared,



Fight for Individuality Begins

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Since I am in an optimistic mood today, I think it’s time I should speak my piece: Let’s start the fight for individuality together and cast off the chains of sartorial oppression – this is only the first step. Don’t like being forced to wear something you don’t like just because you’ve been told to wear it with no given reason or explanation? Don’t. Wear what YOU want, express your creative side. We are not numbers, we are human beings, individuals with ideas, feelings and thoughts. If somebody questions you, then tell them it’s because it’s how YOU feel comfortable looking and it shows your overall personality, and, unlike those who demand blind obedience, you have a reason for doing so. Remember: Be authoritative, not authoritarian. Don’t succumb to someone’s wishes just because “they say so”. Without a reason, there is no logic, no respect – only tyranny and cowardice.