Grounding the Grounders

Saturday, 20 June 2015

OK, I’m sick of you people who think it’s OK to “ground” your kid and take away their – THEIR – wind-down methods (TV, games, electronics, phone, etc.). You think you’re being a good role model and a positive parent? Think again. You’re teaching your kids that if you don’t get your way immediately, then it is acceptable to take away THEIR property/rights to relax/be entertained until they comply with your rules. It’s not “your house, your rules” – it’s “your house legally, but the rules go both ways – for both you AND your kid(s)”. You are not only making the situation worse by refusing to swallow your pride and refusing to talk to them/ask them WHY or HOW they feel that way in particular, you are also committing theft and acting out of spite/cowardice. You say “actions have consequences” – you can justify it any way you like, but in the end, you’re the one who is setting a bad example, you’re the one being immature, YOU are the one being a coward, not your child. When the Pax Raptorica is finalised, your precious rod will be destroyed and your authoritarian rule will end for good.

You people are ALL grounded… forever.


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